Local, Vine Ripened, Chemical Free. If that’s not perfect enough, it’s all freshly harvested!
Cherry Tomatoes. Not just ANY cherry tomatoes, but GOLDEN EDEN cherry tomatoes. So super-sweet you can’t eat only one.
Our tomatoes are beyond compare—even avid gardeners have told us so! The varieties we grow are exceptionally sweet and full of flavor, whether it’s the little cherry tomatoes, the great big beefsteak tomatoes, or the mid-sized tomatoes-on-the-vine (which, of course, are removed from the vine to prevent damage). So many people who have had consistent trouble (sometimes life-long) in eating tomatoes are able to enjoy ours. It’s the most satisfying thing in the world to watch a person who’s never been able to buy a bag of tomatoes, pick one up and take it home to the family.
Peppers are a favourite throughout the world; they make any prepared dish more savoury and delicious. Our Sweet Bell Peppers don’t have the bitter “bell pepper” aftertaste that most people have come to expect from a pepper. Sweet from first taste to last bite, our peppers offer nothing but pleasure for whatever dish they’re served in. Green, Red, Yellow or Orange—no matter what the colour, they add both vibrance and wonderful flavor to anything on the menu, hot or cold. Because here at Golden Eden Produce they are vine-ripened, they are also friendly to the digestive system and not only don’t upset a person’s stomach, but actively promote better metabolism of the food a person eats.
“Your cucumbers are so juicy!!” is the first thing out of almost every person’s mouth when trying our cucumbers at our grocery demos. Sweet and perfect from the stem to the end, our cucumbers have a juicy crispness and crunch that is a delight to anyone ever trying them—whether they are the snack-sized Mini cucumbers or the larger Long English.
Our Green Forest Romaine is a lettuce that has a richer taste than the usual thick-spined Romaine varieties. With this lettuce you can use the Entire Head, and not have to cut away the bitter spine and lose half of what you purchased. Ask for it at your favourite grocery store!