Our non-GMO plants are grown in a Chemical Free greenhouse out in the middle of our hayfield which acts as a buffer to ensure that no chemicals or their residue ever come near your table. Fertilized using naturally acquired minerals and calcium, you can be sure that the produce you purchase bearing our label is as healthy as it appears.
Our watering system relies upon our which is supplied by our deep well that reaches into one of the biggest underground lakes in North America. Drip irrigation brings it to the plant. The fertilizer and calcium we use are all natural sourced from the ground, hence we can truly say that everything we use for the plants “has a mother”.
Using Nature’s own defenses, we bring in friendly bugs to eat the pests which would damage or destroy the crops. Working in an environment which includes lacewings and ladybugs among other “unsung heroes” provides an education to all of us as we watch Nature take its course. This gives to the produce a special flavour devoid of the pesticidal residue which otherwise can be still on the conventional produce a person would buy. We have even learned how to build a habitat for Ladybugs, which allows them to winter over, breed, and have new ladybugs for the springtime.
Because of the Vine Ripened quality of the produce, we have to package everything to prevent the delicate skins from being punctured by stems while sitting next to each other or in transport. The packaging also helps to extend the life of the produce so that a person doesn’t have to feel the need to consume it all at once.